Monday, September 1, 2008

First Day Of Ramadan

Salaam everyone-

So today was the first day of Ramadan. It was sort of interesting because this is my first Ramadan alone. Instead of having someone wake me up and make me a nice breakfast I just stay up all night and have a weird combo of foods for suhur.

Its a bit different, and this year I break my fast at work for the most part, so that whole Ramadanish feeling isn't so Ramadanish at all.

Not to mention Ramadan is slowly creeping its way into Summer. I remember when I was a kid iftar was at 4:30. And during those times I would hope I wasn't around for Summer Ramadans. But you know what, these Summer Ramadans aren't so bad if you keep yourself busy.

I guess this is all part of growing up.

Anyways, I hope everyone's Ramadan is going well insha'Allah.

Check back here soon.


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